I view photography as the way the world chooses to expose itself to me. I can only do my best to capture what nature reveals. These photographs show some of the wonderful sights nature has shown me.

Photography gives me a reason to look more closely at what nature wants to show me. It also gives me a ready excuse to spend more time on my mountain bike (you can see where I captured most of these images.)

My interest in photography runs back at least as far as when, in grade school, I made images of a fly’s wing using a microscope given me by me grandmother. Over the years I have continued my interest in photography.

While in college I captured a few images from trips I took. I still have a photograph hanging on my office wall of Yosemite Falls I took in 1965. In 1967, when the Army sent me to Korea, I bought a 35 mm SLR camera and several lenses. I took a lot of photographs of the countryside and the Korean people. On a brief visit to Japan I took numerous photographs of the sites I saw there. Also, during my stay in Korea I did some of my own darkroom work (black and white).

About six years ago I moved from film to digital photography when I bought a small Nikon camera. I have carried it with me everywhere (most of the photos on this site were taken with that camera.). Recently I acquired a camera smarter than me, a Nikon D90 (I have not retired my little Nikon.)

Have fun.

Jim Berger