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I have a friend (my son) studying to become a geologist. I thought he, and anyone else with an interest in rocks, might enjoy some of these photos.

You might find photos of the rock walls seen from the Highway of legends, from Walsenburg to Trinidad, Colorado, particularly interesting. In addition to my photos you might enjoy the aerial photos at this link: Stonewall, Colorado.
Map of Highway of LegendsThree Rock Walls, MapThree Rock Walls, AerialThe Highway of Legends, ColoradoThe Highway of Legends, ColoradoThe Highway of Legends, ColoradoStonewall Gap, MapStonewall Gap, AerialThe Stonewall, ColoradoThe Stonewall, ColoradoThe Stonewall, ColoradoThe Stonewall, ColoradoThe Stonewall, ColoradoThe Great Sand Dunes, ColoradoRoad Trip to Durango, ColoradoPine Valley RanchPine Valley RanchPine Valley RanchMoab, Utah, Sovereign TrailMoab, Utah, Sovereign Trail